2022.7 -- 澳门太阳网城官网 教授
2023.2 -- 澳门太阳网城官网 长聘副教授
2017.2 -- 2023.1 澳门太阳网城官网 特别副研究员、助理教授、长聘教轨副教授
2015.9 -- 2017.1 加州大学洛杉矶分校地球物理系 博士后(导师:Lingsen Meng)
2015.2 -- 2015.8 康奈尔大学土木与环境工程学院 博士后(导师:Philip Liu)
2011.1 -- 2015.1 康奈尔大学土木与环境工程学院 博士(导师:Philip Liu)
2007.9 -- 2010.7 北京大学地球物理系 硕士(导师:蔡永恩)
2003.9 -- 2007.7 北京大学地球物理系 学士
① 海啸及海啸预警
* 俯冲带地震海啸的耦合生成过程,水内声波的观测及其在海啸预警方面的应用
* 海啸反演,海啸数据对地震破裂的约束
* 海啸灾害的概率性评估,考虑区域地质构造条件对海啸概率评估的影响
② 海底压强
* 海啸压强数据的成因机制及其理论解,海底压强计的仪器设计
* 海底压强数据的应用
③ 海底地震仪的噪声
* 海底地震仪受到海洋水波、海底洋流产生噪声的力学机制、降噪方法
* 海底地震仪噪声数据的应用,反推海底洋流信息
2023.1 -- JGR:Solid Earth 副主编
2020.11 -- International Journal of Ocean and Coastal Engineering 执行编委
2020.1 -- 上海佘山地球物理国家野外科学观测研究站海洋地震研究室副主任
[23] Zhang C., An C.*, Water‐Wave‐Induced OBS Noise: Theories, Observations and Potential Applications, JGR:Solid Earth (2024).
[22] 朱艺帆,安超*,余厚云,张伟,陈晓非,基于非静压模型的粤港澳湾区精细海啸灾害评估, 中国科学:地球科学 (2024).
[21] 朱艺帆,安超*,均匀滑移模型在海啸预警中的应用——以 2021 年 Mw 8.2 Alaska 地震为例,地球科学 (2024).
[20] Deng H., An C.*, Cai C., Ren H., Theoretical Solution and Applications of Ocean Bottom Pressure Induced by Seismic Waves at High Frequencies, GRL (2022).
[19] An C.*, Cai C., Zhou L., Yang T., Characteristics of low-frequency horizontal noise of ocean-bottom seismic data, SRL (2022).
[18] 管加深,安超*,刘桦,考虑区域地质构造特征的概率性海啸灾害评估,水动力学研究与进展A辑 (2021).
[17] Zhu Y., An C.*, Wang T., Liu H., Time-Dependent Tsunami Source Following the 2018 Anak Krakatau Volcano Eruption Inferred from Nearby Tsunami Recordings, China Ocean Engineering (2021).
[16] 安超, 海啸和海啸预警的研究进展与展望, 中国科学:地球科学 (2021).
[15] Guan J., An C.*, Tsunami Hazard Assessment along Chinese Coast using Scaling Relations Developed for Tsunami Prediction, IJOCE (2020).
[14] Hu C., An C.*, Liu H., A numerical study of tsunami generation by horizontal displacement of sloping seafloor, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunnami (2020).
[13] An C.*, Wei S., Cai C., Yue H., Frequency Limit for the Pressure Compliance Correction of Ocean‐Bottom Seismic Data, SRL (2020).
[12] Li Z., An C.*, Liu H., Evaluation of different earthquake scaling relations on the generation of tsunamis and hazard assessment, Ocean Engineering (2020).
[11] An C.*, Liu H., Ren Z. and Yuan Y., Prediction of tsunami waves by uniform slip models, JGR:Oceans (2018).
[10] An C.*, Liu P. and Meng L., A sensitivity analysis of tsunami inversions on the number of stations, GJI (2018).
[9] An C.*, Cai C., Zheng Y., Meng L. and Liu P., Theoretical solution and applications of ocean-bottom pressure induced by seismic seafloor motion, GRL (2017).
[8] An C., Yue H., Sun J.*, Meng L. and Baez J.C., The 2015 Illapel Chile (Mw=8.3) earthquake: direction-reversed along-dip rupture with localized water reverberation, BSSA (2017)
[7] An C. and Meng L.*, Time reversal imaging of the 2015 Illapel tsunami source, GRL (2017)
[6] An C.* and Liu P., Analytical solutions for estimating tsunami propagation speeds, Coastal Engineering (2016)
[5] An C. and Meng L.*, Application of array backprojection to tsunami prediction and early warning, GRL (2016)
An C., INVERSION OF TSUNAMI WAVEFORMS AND TSUNAMI WARNING. PhD thesis, Cornell University, 2015 January.
[4] An C., Sepulveda I. and Liu P.*, Tsunami source and its validation of the 2014 Iquique, Chile, earthquake, GRL (2014)
[3] An C. and Liu P., Characteristics of leading tsunami waves generated in three recent tsunami events, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami(2014)
[2] An C., Liu P.* and Seo S.N., Large-scale edge waves generated by a moving atmospheric pressure, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters (2012).
[1] An C. and Cai Y.*, The effect of beach slope on the tsunami run-up induced by thrust fault earthquakes, Procedia Computer Science (2010).
秋季:《理论力学》 本科生(机动学院英文授课)
春季:《水波动力学》 研究生(英文授课)
2018 上海市浦江人才
2021 自然科学基金委优秀青年基金(交叉科学部)
(1) Tsunami Downloader
These Python scripts download and display tsunami data from NOAA and IOC. It will be convenient to check if tsunamis are generated after an earthquake.
TsunamiDataDownload-v2.0-manual.pdf (5.7 M)
TsunamiDataDownload-v2.0.zip (1.5 M)
(2) pcomcot
pcomcot solves linear and nonlinear shallow water wave equatios to simulate the generation, propagation and runup of tsunami waves. In this new version, dispersion is also added. It is parallelized using MPI, and can use multiple nested grids. The algorithm and codes are originally developed based on the COrnell Multigrid COupled Tsunami package (COMOCT). This released version is tested against a few benchmarks. We will release a MP and GPU version in future.
PCOMOCT2.0_UserManual.pdf (5.6 M)
PCOMOCT2.0_SourceCode.zip (74 K)
PCOMCOT2.0_examples.zip (30.9 M)
(3) Static Joint Inversion
These codes jointly invert tsunami, GPS and InSAR data for a static finite-fault model. Tsunami Green's functions are provided directly by PCOMCOT output.
StaticJointInversion_Illapel2015_OnlyCodes_NoTsunamiGreen.zip (9.6 M)
Full Example for 2015 Illapel Earthquake (322.6 M, shared file on dropbox)
(4) obsnan
obsnan calculates and removes OBS tilt and compliance noise for the verticla channel. For deep-water stations (>300 m), it calculates the direction of current noise for horizontal channels, and suppresses the noise level in one channel by rotating the two horizontal channels. For shallow-water stations (<300 m), it calcualtes the horizontal pressure transfer functions and removes the horizontal compliance noise for the two horizontal channels.
IRISDataDownloadingAndProcessing.pdf (1.3 M)
obsnan_manual.pdf (5.1 M)
OBSNoiseDataAnalysis.zip (29.2 M)