(1)Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Journal of Computational Science, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-ASME, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Acta Mechanica Sinica等十几份国际国内期刊的审稿人
[1] Wu YJ. Dynamical reliability of internally resonant or non-resonant strongly nonlinear system under random excitations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 118: 767-780.
[2] Wu YJ, Wang HY. First-crossing problem of weakly coupled strongly nonlinear oscillators subject to a weak harmonic excitation and Gaussian white noises. ASME-Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2018, 140(4), 041006.
[3] Lan J, Wu YJ(*). First-exit problem of MDOF strongly nonlinear oscillators under wide-band random excitations without internal resonances. Acta Mechanica, 2017, 228: 175-186.
[4] Wang HY, Wu YJ(*). First-passage problem of a class of internally resonant quasi-integrable Hamiltonian system under wide-band stochastic excitations. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2016, 85: 143-151.
[5] Wu YJ, Gao YY, Zhang L. First-passage problem of strongly nonlinear stochastic oscillators with external and internal resonances. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 2013, 39: 60-68.
[6] Luo M, Wu YJ, Peng JH. Washout filter aided mean field feedback desynchronization in an ensemble of globally coupled neural oscillators. Biological Cybernetics, 2009, 101:241-246.
[7] Huan RH, Wu YJ, Zhu WQ. Stochastic optimal bounded control of MDOF quasi nonintegrable-Hamiltonian systems with actuator saturation. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2009, 79(2): 157-168.
[8] Feng CS, Wu YJ, Zhu WQ. Response of Duffing system with delayed feedback control under combined harmonic and real noise excitations. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009, 14(6): 2542-2550.
[9] Feng CS, Wu YJ, Zhu WQ. First-passage failure of strongly non-linear oscillators with time-delayed feedback control under combined harmonic and wide-band noise excitations. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 2009, 44(3): 269-275.
[10] Wu YJ, Fang W. Stochastic averaging method for estimating first-passage statistics of stochastically excited Duffing–Rayleigh–Mathieu system. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2008, 24 (5):575-582.
[11] Wu YJ, Fang W, Peng JH, Luo M. First-firing statistics of a neuron bombarded by additive coloured noise: stochastic averaging method. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2008, 85 (6): 937-947.
[12] Wu YJ, Luo M, Zhu WQ. First-passage failure of strongly nonlinear oscillators under combined harmonic and real noise excitations. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2008, 78(7): 501-515.
[13] Wu YJ, Huan RH. First-passage failure minimization of stochastic Duffing–Rayleigh–Mathieu system. Mechanics Research Communications, 2008, 35 (7): 447-453.
[14] Wu YJ, Zhu WQ. Stochastic averaging of strongly nonlinear oscillators under combined harmonic and wide-band noise excitations. ASME-Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2008, 130, 051004.
[15] Zhu WQ, Wu YJ. First-passage time of Duffing oscillator under combined harmonic and white-noise excitations. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2003, 32: 291-305.
[16] Zhu WQ, Wu YJ. Optimal bounded control of first-passage failure of strongly non-linear oscillators under combined harmonic and white-noise excitations. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2004, 271: 83-101.
[17] Zhu WQ, Wu YJ. Optimal bounded control of harmonically and stochastically excited strongly nonlinear oscillators. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2005, 20 (1): 1-9.
[18] 吴勇军, 朱位秋. 色噪声作用下Duffing-Rayleigh-Mathieu系统的稳态响应. 振动工程学报, 2009, 22(2): 207-212.
[19] 张雷, 吴勇军(*). 五自由度强非线性随机振动系统的首次穿越研究. 振动与冲击, 2012, 31(12): 1-4.
[20] 张雷, 吴勇军(*). 外共振耦合Duffing-van der Pol系统的首次穿越. 力学学报, 2012, 44(2): 437-446.
[21] Gao YY, Wu YJ(*). Stochastic Optimal Control for First-Passage Failure of Nonlinear Oscillators with Multi-Degrees-of-Freedom, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2013, 18(5): 577-582.
[22] 王浩宇, 吴勇军(*). 1:1内共振对随机振动系统可靠性的影响. 力学学报, 2015, 47(5): 807-813.
[23] 齐玉明,吴勇军(*). 一类内共振非线性随机振动系统的可靠性控制. 振动与冲击, 2019, 38(3): 102-107.
[24] 杨钊,兰钧,吴勇军(*). 几类微分-代数方程的神经网络求解法. 应用数学与力学, 2019, 40(2): 115-126.